Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Love to Study

The first week of school has officially come and gone. We all know how crucial this can be in setting yourself up for victory in the fight against the temporary title of Young Single Adult. As previously discussed, bringing the "A" game to the first day at church is irreplaceable. Slightly less important but still a major part of the plan of attack has to be the ability to quickly identify the cute girls in your classes. Those with eyes to see are able to find these select few yet the problem often lies in finding a way to strike up a conversation, get a phone number and then make something happen about it. I recognize that there are those bold and courageous men with all sorts of catchy pick-up lines who have little trouble getting a phone number. Unfortunately, for others they have plans of greatness but can never make it happen. This post is to provide encouragement to this group of strugglers and help them realize that all it takes is being in the right place at the right time and appreciating the small successes.

I have the curse of being in a major that provides me with great guy friends (Translation: there just aren't many girls in my major). So when I noticed a cute girl in one of my classes I took a mental note but unfortunately I was already in my seat and she was halfway across the room. Not to mention, as is often the case, she took off too fast after class for me to say anything to her. So when our next class came around, I walked in just a little bit later than I had the previous day with hopes of finding an open seat in her vicinity, since half of the battle is just getting onto her radar screen. The professor had a practice problem up on the board so we didn't really have a chance to say anything before class. Towards the end of class the professor told us that he recommended forming study groups to work on the homework together and would allow us to use the last five minutes of class to do so. When it came time for us to form groups, I was in prime position and naturally was able to work my way into her group and get her name, email, and phone number. Needless to say, it was a successful day, or so it would seem.

Lest we jump the gun and get too excited, let us remember that just because there is a pretty girl in the class doesn't mean anything will happen. I'm not trying to be a pessimist, just a realist who recognizes that there are a lot of girls on BYU campus who are spoken-for. What I'm trying to say is that you need to check for the wedding/engagement ring before trying to make any moves and avoid a seriously awkward situation. Luckily, I noticed her fat ring early on.

In conclusion, although the outcome is less than desirable, the principle of putting yourself in good situations to meet, interact with, and get to know pretty girls is still important to master.


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