Thursday, September 10, 2009

I rub shoulders with fame

As the wise Napoleon once put it, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh". How true this is.
This is a tale of good fortune and bad luck. Let me explain:

This last week I took some me time for the long weekend and visited an old friend. As the anticipation built up my excitement to get away took my mind to anything but school work. However none of these daydreams could prepare me for who I was about to meet.

Friday came and as I waited for transportation to take me on my journey I noticed a really cute girl sitting in front of me. I make the routine bling-bling check on the left hand and to my encouragement her fourth finger was bear. Now how do I open a conversation with her? I think to myself. "Hey, would you mind watching my stuff? I need to go to the restroom." "Sure," she says pleasantly. After my brief meeting with John I open up to her with a, "So where you headed?" "Dallas," she replies, "I'm going to the BYU/OU game." This of course opens up a delightful conversation about BYU and football, both of which I thoroughly enjoy. "Actually my brother is on the team," she states at one point. "Neat, who?" says I. "Max Hall." That's right, the Max Hall; the senior signal-caller for the Cougars. In jaw dropping bliss I stumble through another half hour of chat, revelling in the blessed situation God has given me. I can't believe I just met Max Hall's little sister!
Does this sound immature and a little giddy? Maybe. But you have to realize you don't meet many "famous" people in Provo, even if it is only that "famous" person's little sister. besides, she was cute.

As fate would have our seats were not next to each other, and at one point she switched lines and was out of my life as soon as she came in.

Cool by association? I think so. God is good.

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